Make Money Selling Your Good Credit Score

Make Money Selling Your Good Credit Score

April 26, 20249 min read

This post may contain affiliate links for products or services that I have used and strongly believe in. I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you sign up or purchase products or services mentioned.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” - Benjamin Franklin

Interested in turning your good credit score into cash?

Yes, you read that right! Today we are going to explore how you can leverage your excellent credit rating to make some extra income – quickly and easily.

Your credit score is a valuable asset and it's time to learn how to monetize it!

I only wish I’d learned about this lucrative, minimal-effort side hustle sooner.

The Value of Your Good Credit Score

Having a good credit score is a valuable asset that not many people fully realize. It reflects your financial responsibility and can open up doors to various opportunities.

Lenders, landlords, and even potential employers often check your credit score to assess your reliability.

  • Your good credit score can save you money on loans by qualifying you for lower interest rates.

  • Having excellent credit can qualify you for lower premiums on your automobile and homeowners insurance, for example.

  • It can even increase your chances of getting approved for a mortgage or rental contract.

Many people are sitting on a goldmine without even knowing it. Because in addition to all of this, it can actually help you EARN extra income.

Have you been diligently paying your bills on time?

Do you keep your credit card balances low or paid off fully each month?

Do you have several credit cards, some of which you may not even use?

If so, then you likely have a solid credit score. Now, how can you put that to work to make some extra money?

How to Start Making Money by Credit Sharing

One way to leverage your good credit score is by selling it, or "renting" it out.

Yes, you read that right – you can actually make money by allowing others to benefit from your good credit history. And importantly, you can do this without providing any access to your credit or personal information.

The practice, known as credit sharing, selling tradelines, or credit piggybacking, involves adding an authorized user (AU) to your credit card. But "adding a user" does not necessitate sharing the card or any of its information.

Many parents do this to help their children establish their own credit history, in order to give them a leg-up as they enter the young adult world.

In fact, I’ve done this for my own children. The kids are added to a parent’s credit card as an authorized user. And whether or not they are actually given the credit card to use, their own credit report will benefit.

How Does Their Credit Report Benefit?

A credit score is calculated based off of many factors that are all part of an individual's credit history. Impact any of the factors and the credit score will adjust.

For example, when a parent adds a child to a card as an authorized user:

  • The credit limit from the parent’s card will appear on the child’s (i.e., the authorized user’s) credit report, improving the child’s credit score.

  • How much of that credit limit is in use, in other words, the ratio of the balance on the card compared to the limit, will also appear on the child's credit report. A lower ratio will help to improve their credit score.

  • The length of time the card has been open will also appear on their credit report, regardless of how long the child has actually been an AU. The longer, the better.

  • The payment history of the main cardholder will appear on the AU’s credit report as well. So a solid payment history will have a positive benefit.

While kids are not likely to offer you money for your help in establishing their good credit score, others will.

Who IS Willing To Pay For a Credit Boost?

Two groups of people may find it beneficial to invest in a credit piggybacking arrangement:

  1. Those with poor credit who are looking for a quick fix, and

  2. Those who simply have not established enough credit.

It is this second group that is the subject of this post.

There are many people in the U.S. who simply have never established much of a credit history. Because of this, banks will view these people as “risky” simply because they are lacking enough data in this now-common measure, whether they are truly risky or not.

This group, with little to no credit history, may include:

  • Recent college graduates just starting out but looking to secure their first rental apartment or car loan,

  • Divorcees who never held a credit card in their own name, instead their ex-spouse handled the finances of the household,

  • Similarly, widows/widowers in a similar situation, where any credit was in the late-spouse's name,

  • New residents who are just beginning to establish themselves in the U.S., or

  • Anyone who has relied on cash for their past purchases, and not on credit

… just to name a few.

As mentioned above, there is a financial incentive to establish and improve one's credit rating. When an occasion arises for someone with little to no credit history of their own to NEED it (such as that new college graduate trying to secure their first apartment lease), they may use credit piggybacking to help round-out and boost their credit report.

And so, as a responsible cardholder, you can get paid for providing this service – by adding an authorized user to your credit card account(s).

But, is there a downside to be aware of?

Young couple reviewing personal finances

Credit Piggybacking Frequently Asked Questions

It is important to ask about the structure and risk involved in any venture. So, let’s examine that by reviewing some of the most common questions about this arrangement…

When adding an authorized user, what information is shared to their credit report?

The information on their credit report will only reflect the bank, card balance, credit limit, the date the card was opened and your perfect payment history on the card. In other words, not a single item of personal or transactional information is shared.

What information is NOT shared with the authorized user?

Your personal information is NOT shared with the authorized user nor is it shared on any credit reporting for the AU. Their credit report will never reflect your name, your date of birth, or your social security number. In addition, the actual credit card number will NOT be shared. This is because these details are not captured or reported for any individual credit line on a credit report.

Can an AU spend on the card?

Nope. When an authorized user is added, their card will be shipped to YOUR ADDRESS. That’s right! Unless you actually hand them the card, they will never receive it. In fact the fee they pay for this service is not to receive the physical card – it is simply to have the benefit of the card’s balance, credit limit, date opened and payment history ultimately post to their own credit report.

Can this even be legal?

The ability to add authorized users to a credit card is protected by The Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.). You are encouraged to consult with a lawyer if you have any concerns.

If there is no risk of my credit card being used or my personal information being shared, is there any other risk to be aware of?

While it is rare, the risk of having your credit card shut down by the bank does exist. However, this is more likely to occur if this strategy is overused or if it is used with certain banks. For this reason, it is important to work with a reputable company that will match you with individuals seeking this service, but at the same time, is aware of various banks' rules and will help to manage the volume of requests received for any one card.

Bottom line: It's a win-win situation where both parties benefit.

So, how exactly do you turn your good credit score into a profitable venture?

How to Make Money with this Almost Passive Income Idea

If you are intrigued by the idea of being paid for letting your good payment history show up on another person’s credit report, helping to boost their score, you may be wondering how to get started.

It can actually be very easy, IF you partner with the right organization.

And I highly recommend you consider BNB Financials. I was personally referred to them back in 2022.

BNB Financials works with brokers throughout the U.S. They pair buyers looking to boost their credit profile with sellers who are willing to sell theirs.

BNB Financials does NOT work with buyers who need to repair their credit history – only those seeking to boost it.

If you are as excited about this opportunity as I was, then you’ll want to apply to join as a cardholder.

Here are the easy steps to take:

Step 1: Go to this website and scroll down. Click the button under "CARDHOLDERS" to “SIGN UP”.

Step 2: Enter your basic information to create an account on their secure website. Just as BNB Financials checks that credit buyers do not have a poor credit history, so they also check to make sure Cardholder applicants have a good and responsible history.

Step 3: The only way for a Cardholder to join is through a referral, so when asked on the application, please be sure to let them know that Vicki's blog (or Vicki Beltz 😉) sent you.

Step 4: As with all things these days, review and agree to their Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Step 5: Finally, submit your application.

Once accepted, any new Cardholder will be asked to enter basic information about their accounts within 30 days. The information for each card (e.g., closing date, website address, phone number from card) is readily available from any card statement, the bank’s website, or from the card itself. NONE of this information is personally identifiable, thus maintaining your privacy and security.

BNB Financials is a tight knit “business family” with new sellers joining the program only through referrals. And from personal experience, I can tell you that they provide top notch customer service. They are accessible. And they care about managing the bank cards they work with and the volume of orders for any one card. This is in order to maintain the card’s active status, protecting you, the Cardholder, their client.

The Bottom Line

Selling your good credit score can be a lucrative side hustle that doesn't require much effort on your part. By simply adding authorized users to your credit card accounts, you can help someone improve their credit score while earning some extra cash. It's a simple and effective way to monetize an asset that you already possess... and worked hard to build.

So, there you have it! Your good credit score is not just a number but a potential money-making tool! Take control of your finances. Explore this innovative opportunity, and start adding hundreds, even thousands of dollars to your monthly income today. Click here to apply and get started earning today.

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I've always played by the rules. Then, I discovered ... there are other rules!

Sure, money and personal finance can be confusing. But, it doesn't have to be that way. And I'd like to share what I've learned with you.

After retiring early from the corporate world, I've enjoyed helping people discover some not-so-obvious ways to create and live a richer life.

So, if you're looking for ideas to generate more income, to get more value from your money, and to live an overall richer life, well, you've come to the right place.

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